How to Use Webinars for Lead Generation and Thought Leadership

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Webinars have become an incredibly popular way of generating leads, showcasing thought leadership and building brand awareness. However, many companies are still not harnessing the full potential of webinars for marketing purposes. In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the steps of using webinars as an effective lead generation and thought leadership tool.

But how do you get started? That’s where a digital marketing agency comes in. A digital marketing company can help you design and execute effective digital marketing strategies like SEO, SMO, and content writing that will not only increase your audience reach but move them further down the sales funnel. Not every company has the expertise or time to master these digital strategies, that's why many business owners, CEO's or founders hire Digital Piloto.

Step 1: Define Your Goals

Before you start planning and promoting your webinar, decide on what you want to achieve with it. Is it to generate leads, build relationships, educate customers, or establish thought leadership? Defining your objectives will help you to tailor your content and approach accordingly.

Step 2: Plan Your Webinar

It’s time to put together the pieces of your webinar strategy. Choose a topic that is relevant and valuable to your target audience, select a date and time that suits most people, and decide on the format of the webinar. There are several tools available such as Zoom, WebEx, and GoToWebinar that can help you host your webinar.  A digital marketing company can help you make informed decisions around webinar promotion, delivery, and analytics.

Step 3: Promote Your Webinar

Now that your webinar is planned, promote it like crazy. Start building buzz around your upcoming event weeks, even months, in advance. Use a mix of channels such as email campaigns, social media, blog/newsletter announcements, and targeted ads to reach your audience. A digital marketing agency can leverage the most effective channels and messaging to promote your webinar.

Step 4: Host Your Webinar

On the day of the webinar, begin by introducing yourself and giving an overview of what attendees can expect. Make sure you engage with your audience, use polls, chat, and Q&A features to encourage interaction. Prepare your presenters beforehand, and pay attention to the audio and visual quality to ensure a smooth delivery. In summary, make it a seamless and informative experience for attendees.

Step 5: Follow-Up and Measure Your Results

To see if your webinar was a success, you need to track and measure your results. Did it help you achieve your goals? Did it generate leads? Did it establish your brand as a thought leader? Use analytical tools like Google Analytics, social media insights, or marketing automation platforms to gain valuable metrics on attendee engagement, registration rates, and overall ROI. Afterward, follow up with attendees, and keep them in the loop with similar topic discussions or other marketing events.


Webinars are an essential tool for lead generation and thought leadership in the digital age. Once you have a well-executed webinar strategy, you can connect with your target audience and position your brand as a leader in your industry. Also, having a reliable SEO agency Canberra by your side like Digital Piloto can help you maximize your webinars' potential by designing and executing effective digital strategies. Start your webinar journey today and make your brand the go-to resource in your market!


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